About Us

Hello and welcome to Let’s Talk Tech, a UK based tech blog mainly covering reviews of consumer technology, news, and a few hints & tips to help you get the most out of your tech!

Interested in writing for this site? Drop me on fabio@letstalk-tech.com.


Fabio Virgi

Founder & Editor. I’m a tech geek from London, UK. By day I manage a tuition centre in London called Talent Engaged Tuition and during my spare time, I blog about my travels on Fab Meets World and technology here on Let’s Talk Tech. I started Let’s Talk Tech because I wanted to write about my opinions and experiences with tech, in the hope that it’d help others in the process.

You can read my latest articles here.

Please do get involved using the comments and share the posts if you like the content – it’s always a great help in growing the blog. Also, if you have any suggestions for what content you’d like to see on the site, please do drop us a line.