
Hey guys, Fabio here.

Since day one, I’ve wanted Let’s Talk Tech to a be a transparent and trustworthy website, and that will never change. For that reason, I’ve decided to create this disclaimer page to state the following:

  1. Certain products that are reviewed on this website have been sent as review samples, and on occasion, brands will allow us to keep these products post-review. This doesn’t influence our review of the product in any way, shape or form — we’ll always state our honest opinions one way or another.
  2. Similarly, Let’s Talk Tech reviews may contain affiliate or branded links. These affiliate links allow Let’s Talk Tech to earn commission from your purchases and this helps us to keep growing and make some money on the side. Although the intention is to build a great website experience and provide awesome content – earning this commission lets us keep up with the bills too!

Aside from the above, I want to make it absolutely crystal clear that Let’s Talk Tech will always rate products fairly and based on honest opinions. Under no circumstances will we falsely suggest, promote or endorse brands/products that we don’t believe will have value to you.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to shoot me an email at fabio@letstalk-tech.com