Apple Uncategorized

This hilarious “Apple Forgot Me” parody is exactly what pro users are thinking

It’s no secret that the iPhone is Apple’s cash cow — the one product that makes Apple most of its money — and that’s fine, except pro users have started to feel neglected over recent years.

From the iPad “Pro” to the Mac “Pro”, Apple has been creating underwhelming devices that don’t necessarily live up to their names — understandably leaving power users upset. This parody video by Throwboy takes Ed Sheeran’s massive hit Shape of you and turned it into a parody called “Apple Forgot Me”, sharing his sentiment and imploring Apple’s leaders to step up.

Check out the video below and let me know whether you agree with Throwboy in the comments!

By Fabio Virgi

I'm the guy behind Let's Talk Tech and a travel blog called Fab Meets World. Some people call me a geek, I think they're probably right. I'm fascinated by technology and innovation, love good design and own way too many gadgets for my own good. Want to connect? Get in touch on Twitter and Instagram.