Amplifiers Audio Headphones

Oppo HA-2 Portable Headphone Amplifier Released This Week

I saw the Oppo HA-2 headphone amplifier as a pre-production version at the headroom portable audio show earlier this year. It was a sleek, thin, elegant and aesthetically pleasing piece of equipment that is soft to the touch.

This week you can buy it, but for now just take a sneek peek, it’s lovely. We will have review here as soon as we can.   DSC_0086

The HA-2 features:

•   An ultra slim leather feel design
•   multiple smartphone connectivity, including iOS and Android and connectivity for PC or Mac
•   a rechargeable battery that can even be used to top up a smartphone
•   a high performance 32 bit EES Sabre reference DAC (sounds slightly over the top)
•   support for hi resolution PCM audio up to 384kHz/32 bit and DSD audio up to 12 Mhz (remember CD quality is 44.1kHz and 16 bit)
•   30 minutes to recharge the battery

At a SRP of £259 this is going to be a fast selling headphone amplifier for excellent sound quality enhancement. We will have a sample in due course for review, and I can’t wait.

By Simon Wilce

I am mid-forties, married with young children, but retired from work through a severe stroke that has left me restricted in movement but with plenty of time to listen, watch, opine and review. My interests include, in no particular order, music, streaming and hi-resolution music, books and film. My latest interest centres around exploring vinyl on my hi-fi.