Just a few days ago, the general public was able to download Apple’s newest desktop operating system: OS X El Capitan.
For those of us wanting to find out the best wireless channel to use for our network, you have to trawl through a few settings just like with OS X Mavericks and Yosemite. In this short guide, we’ll go through the 3 simple steps you need to take to find the OS X Wi-Fi scanner and identify the best wireless channel for your network.
Step 1: Open Wireless Diagnostics
On your Mac’s menu bar you’ll find the Wi-Fi icon. Push down the Option key ⌥ (next to the CTRL key) on your keyboard and click the icon. You should then see a long menu, and near the top you’ll see a menu item called ‘Open Wireless Diagnostics’. Click on that.
Step 2: Click on “Scan”
Once you’ve opened up the Wireless Diagnostics window, head over to the top left of your menu bar and click on ‘Window’, then ‘Scan’.
Step 3: Find and use the best Wi-Fi channel for you!
After opening up the ‘Scan’ window, there will be a summary of your current wireless channels and a suggestion for which ones you should be using.
Once you have that information, just log into your router and adjust your wireless channel settings there!
Has this guide helped? Let me know in the comments!