Let’s face it, we’ve all been in that annoying situation where you’ve “misplaced” your keys or wallet, and it always seems to happen at the worst possible time. Am I right or am I right? Well, a new company called Tile is currently raising money to begin the production of the small devices so that you never have to go through that stress again.
Tiles are small, Bluetooth Low Energy devices that are easily discoverable within a 100-150 foot radius using an iOS app. The unique positioning of Tile though, is the community integration because it relies on the Bluetooth from other users’ iPhones to locate your Tile if it gets lost outside of that 150 foot range.
Once your Tile is marked as missing, the backend system sends out a signal that puts other Tile apps on the search for your missing item. When somebody running the Tile app comes within a close enough range to the Tile, the app discretely notifies you of the location without alerting that person, so the security of your lost belongings isn’t at risk.
For the average daily searches though, you can ‘ring’ your Tiles to find them if you’re within the 150 foot radius and on top of that, you can share access to your Tiles with trusted friends and family so that they can help you find your stuff too. Check out the official Tile video below for a clear idea of how it works:
Tile isn’t currently being developed for Android because the platform doesn’t support Bluetooth 4.0 unlike recent iOS devices.
You can pre-order your Tiles from their website right now for $18.95, although customers outside of USA will be subject to further postage fees. Some may find that expensive, but if you’re someone who regularly gets around with valuables, it’s definitely worth considering.
Are you guilty of being clumsy and losing your stuff? How would YOU use Tile?
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