Gadgets Travel

What’s In My Bag: The Tech I Travel With

I’ve spent the last month or so travelling while working remotely — something I like to call a “workation” — and being the geek I am, my backpack wouldn’t be complete without some crucial tech & gadgets.

In this post, I want to quickly cover some of the tech I take with me and why; maybe it’ll be helpful for you the next time you set off! So without any further adieu, here we go:

Tylt Battery Packs

Battery packs are arguably the most important thing you can carry. With smartphone battery lives still not up to scratch, it’s up to these trusty things to keep me juiced up so that I can constantly (and as my friends would say, annoyingly) Instagram my travels.

I’m currently using two of Tylt’s 10,400 mAh battery packs which can each fully charge my iPhone 6 about 6 times comfortably. They’re super simple, and thanks to the LED indicators on the side I always know how much battery it has left. With 3 USB ports on each one I can connect quite a few gadgets too.

iWalk Chameleon iPhone 6 Battery Case

This case has been a godsend on more than one occasion. While battery packs are great, I either have to leave my phone inside a bag charging, or I have to hold the battery pack with me which is a nuisance.

iWalk’s battery case is great because it means I can keep using my iPhone as usual while it charges. It isn’t the prettiest accessory I’ve ever used, but it does its job well and protects my phone in the process.

Check out my full review of it here.

Olloclip UltraWide Lens

My favourite photography accessory at the moment, olloclip’s Active lens does a superb job of capturing a much wider angle than the iPhone lens is capable of alone.

Thanks to its Ultra-Wide lens you can use this thing for tight spots or even landscapes where you want to capture as much of the beauty as you can; it really is great fun to use and produces some fantastic shots. Then with the Telephoto lens, you can get a 2x zoom on shots that may be too far away, without losing quality.

It’s also really easy to use, since it’s just a case of sliding it onto the top of your iPhone.

Jabra Revo Wireless Headphones

They don’t have noise cancellation technology or any fancy features, but the Jabra Revo wireless headphones have been a personal favourite of mine for a while. With a strong build quality and good audio performance, they’re currently my headphone of choice to just throw into a bag and use on my travels.

Check out the full review here.

UE Roll Bluetooth Speaker


Whether you’re looking to party in the hotel room, shower, at the pool or the beach, the UE Roll speaker is the latest in the lineup of Ultimate Ears portable speakers that’s sure to entertain. With the ever impressive Boom and Megaboom speakers setting the standard, the Roll really doesn’t disappoint as a smaller and even more portable alternative.

The UE Roll has a flat, circular dimension to it making it easy to squeeze into almost any bag, is water resistant and sounds super impressive for a speaker of its size. I totally recommend it to anyone looking for a small-footprint, high performance speaker for the move.

MiFi Device

Since I’ve been working part-time for my day job while travelling, I’ve needed to ensure I’m always connected so that I can work from my MacBook Pro. That’s where a MiFi device comes in: you throw in a SIM card with plenty of data, and you connect your devices to it via WiFi — just like you’d connect to your router at home.

If being connected is important to you, totally consider grabbing one of these.

KitVision Edge HD30w Action Cam

This one’s for you adrenaline junkies! Action cams are seriously cool if you want to capture footage of your excursions or even just adventures around a city.

KitVision’s Edge HD30W makes action cams nice and accessible without spending a fortune, without compromising on the feature set. The model I’ve got here packs 1080p video, waterproof casing, chest mounts and more. I’ve used it for quad biking and jet skiing and so far it’s performed pretty well — despite not having that crisp, high quality imagery you’ll get from an iPhone or high-end smartphone camera.

If you’ve considered a GoPro but don’t want to cough up so much cash, this could be a good option for you.

What tech do you travel with?

I’d love to know what you consider to be tech travel essentials! Let me know in the comments 🙂

By Fabio Virgi

I'm the guy behind Let's Talk Tech and a travel blog called Fab Meets World. Some people call me a geek, I think they're probably right. I'm fascinated by technology and innovation, love good design and own way too many gadgets for my own good. Want to connect? Get in touch on Twitter and Instagram.