We have been spoilt with ‘super premium’ smartphones over the last year or so. But in light of all the affordable options available, is it worth sacrificing your hard-earned money to get a very expensive smartphone? 2017 became the year where flagships broke the $1k barrier. I’ve always kept up with the latest piece of…
Author: Ari Rando
Ari Rando is a tech enthusiast ever since owned the Ericsson T28 in 2000. iOS user since 2008, Mac OS user and frequently adventurous on Android! Follow him on Twitter: @AARHDREAL
When I thought about writing this article, the important thing to me was to present this in a clear view where there is no comparison about which is ‘the best’ OS. Much more than ever, I was able to tell that there really isn’t a better option as such. It all comes down to the…
A lot was covered during Apple’s keynote last week. Tim Cook opened the keynote citing and honouring the late Steve Jobs and giving Apple’s theatre his name, recognizing how Jobs truly influenced so many lives when he first announced the iPhone 10 years ago. That was an emotional speech from Tim Cook and does justice…
So here’s something we all have been through. You’re heading out to a meeting and you check your smartphone and/or tablet to realize you’re under 20% battery life. It’s pretty desperate knowing you don’t have much time to get things done. There are still ways to minimize that, such as power banks, smartphone battery cases…
Every new iPhone announcement causes a great hype, year after year. And for almost a year prior to Apple’s keynotes every September, the ‘industry’ of rumours and ‘inside reliable sources’ comes to play, filling our social media timelines with possible new features for hardware and software. These rumours deal with two sides. Firstly, they give away…
Do you consider yourself loyal to a certain smartphone brand? Anna Scantlin from Phone Dog wrote about brand loyalty this week, and that made me think how most of us tend to stick to the smartphone brands we know and love. I, for one, consider myself an iOS user mostly because I’m all set up…