Apple Smartphones

Why you shouldn’t believe iPhone 8 rumours until mid-August

Every new iPhone announcement causes a great hype, year after year. And for almost a year prior to Apple’s keynotes every September, the ‘industry’ of rumours and ‘inside reliable sources’ comes to play, filling our social media timelines with possible new features for hardware and software.

These rumours deal with two sides. Firstly, they give away a great part of the keynote because, by the time fall comes, we know around 80% of what the new handset will be like. But on the other side, we can foresee whether it’s worth waiting for the year’s iPhone, or for the less faithful smartphone owners, evaluate whether it’s worthwhile considering an Android option instead.

With that said, it’s worth remembering that Samsung will launch their Note device in September which will inevitably attempt to steal iPhone’s thunder. Not to mention Google’s own Pixel 2 also due this year.

Among the several rumours about what the new iPhone will look like, the on-screen Touch ID sensor has caught most people’s attention — mainly due to its complexity of becoming a reality on a mass production scale. Some even say that Apple is struggling on getting that ready for this fall’s keynote. But the greatest feature everyone seems to be excited about is the new top to bottom full HD screen. Samsung materialised that idea with their Galaxy S8 this year and that is the trend for this year’s handsets.

And today Bryan Wolfe from AppAdvice presents a very interesting ‘August 15th rule’. He points out that all these rumours will be somewhat trustworthy from that date, due to the fact that by August 15th, Apple will start moving shipment of the finished product off. This ultimately makes it harder to contain any leaks.

So till August 15th comes, expect to see even more leaks about the new iPhone 8 or even an iPhone 7S — but take them with a pinch of salt.

Will you be buying the new iPhone no matter what? And do you follow these leaks or would rather hold your breath for the keynote?

Let me know down below what you think!

By Ari Rando

Ari Rando is a tech enthusiast ever since owned the Ericsson T28 in 2000. iOS user since 2008, Mac OS user and frequently adventurous on Android! Follow him on Twitter: @AARHDREAL