Computing Storage Devices

iStorage diskAshur Pro hard drive review: PIN-protected, portable storage

The Good: The diskAshur Pro has an unassuming design (which is good in this case), good layers of security and is easy to use. The Bad: It will cost you significantly more than a standard USB 3.0 hard drive, but that’s the price for extra security. The Bottom Line: If the Cloud or a personal hard drive doesn’t…

Android Apps & Software

Opera’s free & unlimited VPN app now available on Android

While Opera’s free VPN app was already available for iOS users earlier this year (surpassing 1 million downloads), the brand has now launched its Android counterpart. With Opera VPN you can improve your online privacy, block ad-tracking cookies, access more online content (which may be geographically restricted) and test the security of WiFi networks around…

Apps & Software Sponsor

F-Secure KEY makes password management easy and painless     

My thanks to F-Secure for sponsoring Let’s Talk Tech this month. Data breaches are the new reality and it’s no longer a question of if it’s going to happen to you, but when. Nowadays, people manage an unwieldy number of online accounts; at work and at home, and chances are all of them use passwords as the most basic form…

Apps & Software

Is The App Safe? 9 Things To Consider Before Downloading

With so many issues surrounding cyber security these days, it’s no surprise why the average Joe is sceptical about downloading apps & software onto their devices. Even iOS 9 seemed to have some pretty significant security flaws when it launched recently! For that reason, our friends over at MacPaw put together a list of 9…

Editorial The Web

Digital’s Dark Side: Preventing Cyber Crimes

Our digital age can be a double-edged sword. Technological innovations have given us the ability to make life easier, faster and more intuitive. However, at the rate we’re evolving, it’s difficult to keep our virtual selves safe as cyber criminals are advancing just as fast as our defence measures. The Ashley Madison leak A recent…

Apps & Software Sponsor

F-Secure Freedome: An App That Protects Your Data In Public WiFi Zones

Many thanks to F-Secure for sponsoring Let’s Talk Tech this month. Nowadays we all want to use the public WiFi which is available to us when we’re out and about. The problem is that public WiFi is inherently insecure; it’s designed to provide internet access only and security implications are not a consideration for the provider. F-Secure…

Apple Apps & Software Mac OS X Reviews

Hider 2 – Strong Encryption, Simplified

I consider myself a security conscious user and working in IT means I often need safeguards in place to protect sensitive data, whether it be mine or a client’s. Therefore, when [MacPaw][1] released version 2 of [Hider][2] — a Mac app that reduces the complexities of hiding and encrypting data on your Mac — I was keen to put it through it’s paces and see how it performed.