
The applications useful in job hunting

Guest author: Mary D. is a Philosophy & Literature graduate currently working as a freelance writer while traveling through Europe. Exceptionally passionate about Technology since an early age (“raised by the Internet”, some would say), today she writes about the important contemporary technological innovations ranging anywhere between Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing.

Using the right combination of apps to aid you in your job search can mean the difference between landing your sought-after job and being so wrapped up in formatting your resume that you end up missing out on that opportunity.

Luckily, there are quite a few applications available that can help you with each of the steps involved in the job hunt, and this post is here to explore them.

Resume Star

Getting your resume and cover letter perfectly formatted and properly addressed can sometimes take more time than compiling the information to start with. Resume Star is an app that eliminates this stress by creating the documents ready to print, email or post online using the information that users simply fill into the prompted sections. There are templates available if you do not want to create your own layout, 10 professional resumes provided for inspiration, and live previews so you can see your final product.

Bonus: you only have to pay when you get the interview!

Download: iOS or Resume Star Online


Jobrapido is an app that matches your job preferences to job listings you are qualified for, all in one place. Scouring the Internet for job opportunities can be quite time-consuming for job seekers (some call it a job in itself), and Jobrapido searches multiple job boards at once to then notify the candidates when their professional profile matches a specific job opportunity.

Jobrapido lists over 20 million jobs every month, records 35 million monthly unique users, and has more than 70 million total registered users.

Download: iOS and Android

Job Interview Question-Answer

Job Interview Question-Answer is an interactive video app that helps you improve your interview skills. With its mock interview format, you can record your answers to a tough interview question, and then watch and learn as Career Coach Peggy McKee does the same. Peggy is recognized as a job search authority by CNN and HR Examiner and will explain what interviewers are looking for and how to leave a positive impression.

99% of members have said that it improved their interview skills immediately.

Download for Android


LinkedIn is one of the most commonly used apps by professionals universal to all industries. You first create a customised profile, and then do your best to stay active and expand your professional network. Users can connect with alumni, join groups to stay current with industry trends, and/or follow companies and influencers.

You can use LinkedIn to complement your job search by searching for background information about a company or a hiring manager (as well as other employees) of that company, hence improving your chances of landing the job.

Download: iOS and Android

iPQ Career Planner

If you’ve ever been hesitant about the direction of your first or next career step, a personality assessment can be especially useful. iPQ Career Planner is an app to help you find and improve your chances of getting your ideal job using your results from the Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ), also known as iPQ on the iPhone.

The OPQ personality assessment is used by 80 of the FTSE 100 and nine out of ten of Forbes Worlds biggest companies.

Upon completion of the questionnaire, a customised report is provided that identifies: key strengths, jobs you are most and least likely to enjoy, and aspects of your personal style that could positively or negatively affect you in your career. Based on these results, personalised development advice is also provided.

Download: iOS

This combination of apps will aid you in your job hunt, save you time and stress, and hopefully provide you with a higher number of job offers. Easy downloads and a little organisation, and you are on your way.

By Fabio Virgi

I'm the guy behind Let's Talk Tech and a travel blog called Fab Meets World. Some people call me a geek, I think they're probably right. I'm fascinated by technology and innovation, love good design and own way too many gadgets for my own good. Want to connect? Get in touch on Twitter and Instagram.