Apps & Software News

Ulysses Coming to the iPhone and iPad Pro

Ulysses, the popular writing app for Mac and iPad is finally coming to iPhone and iPad Pro

Ulysses, the popular writing app for Mac and iPad is finally coming to iPhone and iPad Pro. Yes, you read right!

In my review earlier this year of Ulysses for iPad, I arrived at the conclusion that “If you work with text, then Ulysses for iPad is among the best tools to help you get the job done on iOS.” Therefore it should come as no surprise that I was giddy to hear the team behind Ulysses had set their sites on the iPhone and the iPad Pro for the app’s next major update.

This update will usher in a universal app along with important iOS 9 features such as Split View, Slide Over support, Spotlight search and Sharing Extension — the absence of which was a negative point in my initial review.

If you’re feeling adventurous and itching to get your hands on a universal Ulysses chock full of iOS 9 goodies, then you can apply for the beta program here. Registration is open until December 14, 2015 and testing should start shortly thereafter.

If however you’re the cautious type and the word beta sends chills down your spine, you’ll have to wait until the first quarter of 2016 (if all goes well during the beta period). On the upside, if you haven’t already purchased Ulysses for iPad, you can do so now since the update will be free for existing users.

By Pedro Lobo

I put words together to express my opinionated views on software, hardware or anything that strikes my fancy.