Gadgets Home & Entertainment Smart Homes

5 smartest kitchen gadgets that foodies will fall for in 2017

Guest author: Kostas Chiotis is a technology enthusiast and blogger. You can check out his tech blog at and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. While our technology has grown by leaps and bounds, one thing doesn’t seem likely to change any time soon: we all need to eat. While you could try your hand…

Home & Entertainment Security Smart Homes

F-Secure Sense is a router that protects your devices from online threats

The average household tends to use the router their internet service provider sent them, but F-Secure wants you to ditch that in favour of Sense: their new router that adds a layer of online security protection to your home network. Note: F-Secure clarified that Sense connects to your existing router; it doesn’t replace it entirely.  …

Artificial Intellgience Gadgets Guest Article Home & Entertainment Smart Homes

Some of the cool things home automation could do for you

Guest author: Mary D. is a Philosophy & Literature graduate currently working as a freelance writer while traveling through Europe. Exceptionally passionate about Technology since an early age (“raised by the Internet”, some would say), today she writes about the important contemporary technological innovations ranging anywhere between Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing. We’re seeing so many…

Artificial Intellgience Business Smart Homes

5 disruptive characteristics of AI and how they might change the world

Guest author: Mary D. is a Philosophy & Literature graduate currently working as a freelance writer while traveling through Europe. Exceptionally passionate about Technology since an early age (“raised by the Internet”, some would say), today she writes about the important contemporary technological innovations ranging anywhere between Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing. Artificial Intelligence, known as…

Smart Homes

Netatmo Welcome, The Facial-Recognising Home Security Camera Now On Sale

Netatmo first showed off the Welcome facial-recognising security camera back at this year’s CES, and now you are able to finally purchase one. When a person passes by the Welcome their face is checked against the list of recognised people. A notification is then sent to the owners phone telling them who that person was,…

Smart Homes

The Smart Homes of Yesterday [Infographic]

How smart is your home? It actually might be smarter than you think. Smart technology has come on in leaps and bounds over the last few years and now it’s thought that 11% of all homes will be smart by 2014. The annual growth rate of smart technology products is around 20% and it’s been…